French organic syrups are exported to Austria and the CEEC

By denan,

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Austria counts 24% of its farming lands organic certified, ranks in Europe 5th per capita organic expenditures (196,00 € / year) and 4th in food consumption (8.6%)

It is a market that one would tend to treat, wrongly, in the shadow of his German big brother, whereas they are totally distinct and even tight with respect to each other.

The particular problematic French syrups

The European organic soft drinks market is dominated by fruit juices and me-too of conventional drinks. Syrups, an almost 100% French specificity rank separately and do not benefit of a strong spontaneous demand from the consumers. That is why small local producers are often enough to meet the demand. Yet they are the healthier, more economical and versatile organic beverage you can find.

Access to the market will be done rather by the food service and the craze for Cocktails Bar having opted for organic; Vs the specialized network

This is indeed the case in Austria where it is the Food Service sector that will open the door of this market.