Export of regional products

I export the French speciality food for 20 years now, thanks to the impressive gourmet food distributors network I've set up years after years years.

The french gourmet crisps in Ireland.

By MatthieuBrunet,

This is a leading importer / distributor who cracked for wasabi chips, blue, Roquefort and walnuts, 3 peppers, truffles, etc … made in Provence. A very interesting partnership because it will distribute the products in the catering sector (RHF) and to the public in specialized stores.

To export French Gourmet crisps in Scandinavia

By MatthieuBrunet,

Following the buyer tasting evenings held alongside the 2014 PLMA (Amsterdam, May) by Denan & Associates; it is a leading Danish distributor who was seduced by the flavored Provencale gourmet crisps. A test is scheduled in January into all the major Danish retailers. If it is successful, the products will be distributed in a second time in all the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden).

The french walnut cake in UK

By MatthieuBrunet,

“Cup of tea” ne rime plus avec scones et cookies mais avec “walnut tart” (tarte aux noix . Cette mini-révolution gastronomique en perfide Albion on la doit à Frank Tonel qui a su séduire la clientèle la plus exigeante du monde en matière de pâtisserie avec ses sublimes tartes aux noix du Périgord.