Exporter la Bio en Europe du Sud

How to export the French organic confectionery

By denan,
Exportation de produits biologiques au Portugal

This market is rather difficult to penetrate for export.

Indeed, on the one hand, many products of disparate taste qualities are invading the market. They rely on fad effects (free from, CBN, raw, etc.) and mass, but often to the detriment of taste.

On the other hand, whether it is bio-industrial or small quasi-artisanal series, aggressive marketing too often relegates the confectionery know-how to a non priority.

Certainly “innovation” is an asset, but when it comes to confectionery, should it come at the expense of flavor?

This is why, it is always a victory when the Bio-Pleasure triumphes thanks to the know-how, the application, the know-how put at the service of a food product. Especially a confectionery that is consumed sparingly.

The first network of Portuguese Organic Specialized Stores (OSS) adopts French-style confectionery

It’s no coincidence that it’s the OSS’s that are coming back to basics.

Product differentiation “à la française” is sought after by OSS’s in order to satisfy informed and demanders of flavors customers, and to differentiate themselves from supermarkets.