Export in Scandinavia

A range of organic dried fruits from France in a Danish supermarket

By denan,
Exportation de produits biologiques en Scandinavie

Denmark, a small country of less than six million inhabitants, is the world champion in organic food consumption.

With 13% of food consumption (out of €2.15bn in 2019, €1.93bn in 2022), ahead of Austria 11.3%, Switzerland 10.8% and in sixth place, France 6% (1 ).

Denmark is also a pioneer in organic certification. The national organic label (Økologisk, Organic in Danish) was created in 1987, two years after France.

A strategic marketplace served by a strong purchasing power and concentration of distribution.

Indeed the signs of centralized distribution, essentially the “hard discounters like Netto, concentrate more than 90% of sales.

Tough competition that promotes innovation and reassuring values such as the guarantee of sustainability of origins.

Processed products whose raw materials fluctuate from supplier to origin according to opportunism, the Danish consumer will opt for the guarantee of identifiable and sustainable fair trade supplies.

The Organic flavored salts from the Ile de Ré are exported in the Finnish retail trade

By denan,
Exporter la Bio françise

To export a very exclusive product of soil in the biological networks

As everyone knows, salt is classified as a mineral product Vs an agriculture one, a,d that’s why it can receive an organic certification (*). And yet …

After audits, this salt from the Ile de Ré has been declared in accordance with Nature et Progrès specifications; then enriched with organic dried herbs, spices and citrus fruit has been awarded the Ecocert Bio certification!

(*) It will be able from 2021 following a recent evolution of the legislation

How an exclusive niche product becomes mainstream in supermarkets

Thanks to an innovative concept called “Herbal Salt”; or how to export salt by recommending to reduce its consumption!

Indeed, the basic export line is “Organic Herbal Salts – Less Salt & More Taste for Your Food”; which gives in developing “Our herbal solutions will help you decrease your salt intake while increasing the flavor of your food”.

This shift in positioning, from the terroir to nutrition and organic, allows us to reach a whole new field of consumers.

Speciality foods from the French terroir are difficult to export because it is expensive and very typical. Only a fringe of savvy consumers and fine gourmets is able to appreciate it. Those who are adapted to a healthy diet.

Once again, it is a French terroir specialty that finds itself exported “in its Bio version”. Indeed, this one is addressed to consumers privileging Quality Distinctive to quantity or price. One more proof that our terroirs have every interest to develop in this market segment that knows how to recognize its attributes of excellence.

A local partnership to access GMS
It is to the brand of the local distributor that the range is referenced by a brand with 900 PDV very invested in the Bio.

Organic flavored salts from the Ile de Ré in Danish supermarkets!

By denan,
Quand la GMS danoise aime la Bio de France, elle ne compte pas et les 520 NETTO passent commande par camion complet.

Smart positioning in international organic markets!

Since January 1st, 2018, the range of flavored salts of Ile de Ré is certified by ECOCERT. While the salt and the fleur de sel proper are the subject of an approval of NATURE & PROGRESS.

The Danish consumer is much more expert than the French one; he is very well informed about the origin, recipes and nutritional values ​​of his food.

In this market where competition is raging from all over the planet, the organic argument needs to be legitimized by a nutritional benefit understandable by each consumer. Namely a significant decrease in the daily salt intake.

Thus, a commonplace product, salt, conquers the market of the country where it makes the best living in the world (2017 ranking of The Social Progress Imperative by Michael E. Porter, Harvard and Scott Stern, MIT.)!

When the Danish supermarket likes, it does not count and the 500 NETTO have been able to order by truck.

Foie gras terrine and pâtés with Pineau wine in Scandinavian restaurants

By denan,
Pour exporter des produits premium, je conseille depuis 20 ans aux PME françaises de convertir une partie de leur gamme au bio. Nous y réussissons mieux qu'en conventionnel...

French Terroirs acclaimed by  the Scandinavian food service trade

Pâtés and terrine of foie gras find their way to the Danish tables thanks to short recipes combining little processed ingredients with natural flavors and secured origin.

Conventional or organic, we find its values in the French agro-food industry

Indeed, this is what gourmets around the world are looking for,  healthy pleasures.

French-style Organic sauces in a major Danish retailer

By denan,
Des sauces traditionnelles à la française

It is the dual know-how of this Provençal SME that is honored in this listing with the Danish retailer (475 supermarkets) : the one of Provencal cooker, ready-meals specialist and also the one of Doypack® packer.

It is a strategic choice of Denan & Associés to export the organic sauces in Scandinavia in this packaging combining conveniency and unbeatable carbon balance. Did you know that :

  • a glass jar or bottle weights at least the 2/3 of the gross weight of any food packed in it?
  • 7,00 g of doypack holds 280,00 g of any food?
  • 10.000.000 packagings need 120 full trucks to be transported when it’s glass and only 7 when it’s doypack,

The Lyon homemade vegetable soups exploding targets sales in Scandinavia

By MatthieuBrunet,

With 100,000 SKU’s since its launch in June 2016, these vegetable soups have far exceeded initial sales targets in Danish supermarkets, in almost achieving the yearly sales in 6 months!

Gazpacho, tomato-carrot, pumpkin-chestnut; local recipes whose naturalness and flavor have convinced consumers rather deemed demanding.